My Ping in

Selasa, 29 November 2011

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, or Men Who Hate Women as the name is when translated straight from Swedish, is Stieg Larsson's first novel. It is also the first part of his The Millennium Trilogy. Millennium is quite small magazine that is owned by journalist Mikael "Kalle" Blomkvist and his "occational lover" Erika Berger. Millennium is published in Stockholm, the beautiful capital of Sweden.
In the beginning of the book, Mikael Blomkvist gets sentenced to prison for three months for libeling of well-known Swedish business man Hans-Erik Wennerstrom. Mikael had been accusing Wennerstrom for many kind of white-collar crimes, but in the end all the evidence falls to pieces for some reason. Mikael pledges for revenge since he thinks the sentence was underserved. Soon he seems to get a change for it, when another business-mogul Henrik Vanger approaches him with and interesting and appealing offer. Vanger wants Mikael to solve a mystery that has become an obsession to Henrik Vanger: what happened to his niece Harriet Vanger forty years ago when she just disappeared without a trace. And if Mikael succeeds, Vanger will give him Wennerstrom's head on a plate. Another job for Mikael is to write a book about Vanger-family and its history. Mikael agrees to take the job and spend a year in Vanger-family's hometown, a little town Hedestad. 300 km north from Stockholm.
Mikael starts his job by inspecting the family history, and soon he finds out that there are skeletons buried in almost every closet he opens. It seems that almost every family member hates each other. There are a lot of weird characters in the family tree and only Henrik Vanger seems to be normal one. Mikael notices as well, that not every family member is keen on the fact that Mikael has started digging the secrets of the family.

While seeking material for his book about Vanger-family, Mikael starts to solve the weird disappeareance of Harriet Vanger. It happened 40 years go, when the whole family was gathered together. In the early afternoon Harriet just disappeared without a trace and nobody had a glue where she had gone. Everything happened in a closed island Hedeby near Hedestad. It's famouse so called "closed-room scenario". Due to car accident, roads out from the island are closed for a day, and during that time Harriet disappears. Nothing points that a crime has happened that can't be ruled either. The whole island is searched through several times but no sign of Harriet is found. Years go by but Harriet's case remains unsolved.
Finally, after working hard for many months, the secrets starts slowly unfold itself. Mikael also finds out that he needs help because there are so much things that need to be researched. Henrik Vanger's lawyer and good friend Dirch Frode tells Mikael about Lisbet Salander, who have been helping Frode and Vanger earlier as well. Lisbet is an extraordinary young woman with a lot of piercings and, a dragon tattoo. Lisbet is a genious with computers and is able to make them anything for herself. She, of course, has her own closets full of skeletons. Through her short life, Lisbet has been dragged from institution to institution. She is used to solve arguments with other people with violence and has emotional problems as well. But she's not stupid, nowhere near...

Excellent Chinese Dragon Tattoos

The Chinese Dragon tattoo is very potent in its appeal. When the subject of the Chinese dragon comes up, there is no argument that these creatures have a distinctly "masculine" quality. In addition, these dragons are associated with the number "9." This is because the value of "9" is the biggest possible, single digit number. The Chinese dragon adeptly symbolizes powerful and auspicious energy. In particular, they are in control of the element of water. For instance, dragons are said to manipulate rain, hurricanes, floods, and other disasters. The dragon itself is an old symbol of good luck, strength, and power. When the Chinese dragon is placed on the human body in the form of a tattoo, the meaning represents intelligence, strength, good luck, health, harmony, and good will. One of the noted qualities of Chinese dragon tattoos is the flaming pearl under the chin of the creature. Chinese dragons have snake-like bodies with scales all over them. Naturally, these dragons have supernatural power too.

There are four primary Chinese dragon tattoos in symbolic form which are widely available. The first one is the "Horned Dragon" tattoo. The person who wears this form on their body chooses to be mighty in words and deeds. Another symbol is that of the "Earth Dragon." This dragon is the ruler of the Earth. It represents a connection with the earth and land for the person who wears it. The "Yellow Dragon" is the hornless dragon which is a representation of scholarly knowledge. The person who wears this symbol wants to be associated with the power of his or her intellect. Lastly, there is "Celestial Dragon." This dragon is the Protector of the Gods. People who desire to confirm their spiritual path, or who have strong spiritual convictions, tend to prefer this symbol. The Chinese dragon tattoo is becoming more popular because many people are wearing them.
The Chinese dragon has a very authoritative appeal. According to legend, the earliest emperors of China were closely related to a dragon. At the end of his reign, the first emperor of legend, Huangdi, was thought to have been immortalized into a dragon which resembled his imperial emblem. Later he ascended into Heaven. Another legendary emperor, Yandi, was born by his mother's telepathy with the aid of a dragon. Since the Chinese consider Huangdi and Yandi to be their ancestors, they often refer to themselves as "the descendants of the dragon." These legends started to influence the usage of the dragon with the official symbol of Imperial power. In some legends an emperor might be born with a birthmark in the shape of a dragon. One legend tells the tale of a peasant born with a dragon birthmark. This peasant eventually overthrows the existing dynasty in order to establish a new one. Another legend tells of a prince who is in hiding from his enemies. He is eventually identified by his dragon birthmark.
Of course, actual belief in the dragon of folklore is quite sporadic. The worship of the Chinese dragon may be ingrained in the culture of China. However, very few people consider dragons to be real creatures. Cultural traditions like Chinese New Year celebrations often feature the dragon in a parade. For most people, dragons are just representations of qualities people aspire to have. Regardless of the legends, Chinese dragons make excellent tattoos for all these reasons. They are personal representations placed on the human body. They represent qualities like power, strength, intellectual ability, good fortune, and authority which are universal in their appeal. The Chinese Dragon is a big part of being truly "Chinese!"

Japanese Dragon Tattoo Designs and Meaning

The Japanese Dragon Tattoo is a very beautiful and colorful tattoo design and very symbolic, with its origins in myths and folklore. It is also very mystical, adding to the appeal of the Japanese dragon tattoo. Over the ages, from Egyptian times the dragon has represented good and also represented evil. However, the attraction of the Japanese dragon, apart from its stunning beauty is that it represents good luck and the source of wealth. The Japanese dragon also represents the meaning of freedom and being fearless, both very attractive qualities.
In the Greek language, dragon is sourced from draca, which means serpent.
Like the angel, the Japanese Dragon also has the meaning of guardianship, providing a protective force over those it was associated with. Other meanings associated with the Japanese dragon is strength and power. In Japanese culture the dragon is associated with supernatural powers, and amazing wisdom.
There are six forms of the Japanese Dragon. They are:
Sui-Riu is the king Dragon and is in control of the rain. Therefore in this day and age of drought he is all powerful!

Han-Riu has many stripes on his body and is up to forty feet in length. One of the biggest dragons.
Ri-Riu dragon is a rare breed that is not well understood. However, it is known that they have amazing eye sight.
Ka-Riu is a brilliant red color, and a petite dragon in comparison with the others.
Fuku-Riu is a favorite dragon of many people as it is the dragon of luck.
Hai-Riyo is known as the dragon bird, and the most advanced form of dragon. It evolved out of Chinese mythology.
The colors of the dragons have special significance, which are based on their parents. For example a dragon with a black color means their parents are very old and wise. Green dragons are smaller than average, but are representative of life and of the earth. Gold colored dragons are special because they have many special attributes such as wisdom, kindness and the ability to face challenges head on.
Yellow dragons represent the east. They are great companions when you need a hand, but can be self absorbed at times. Blue dragons are from the west. They are forgiving and compassionate, but on the negative side can be lazy and uncaring when it suits them.
Finding the right Japanese Tattoo Design for you can be quite daunting. Check out all the free sites on the net to get as many ideas as you can. Just remember that many other people have done the same thing to get ideas. For example, last month, over 41,000 people searched for dragon tattoo designs on Yahoo. Apparently, roughly 8 times that amount check out Google for the same search term. Then there is MSN and the other search engines. So a huge amount of people see the same free designs as you. If you want original Japanese Dragon tattoo designs, it is recommended that you check out books or other sources of tattoo designs that are not freely available. I have checked out three Japanese dragon tattoo galleries on the internet that have from 3,500 to 6000 different designs, so you will have no trouble finding what you want.

Senin, 28 November 2011

The KIIRA EV Unveiliing (UGANDA)

The official unveiling of Uganda's first electric car was marked by the President of Uganda, HE Yoweri K Museveni taking a drive in the lime green, 2 seat ,right hand drive vehicle. The Kiira EV as is its name is a proof of concept that showcases the brave new direction the development team wants to explore in the further. The team is to develop a production concept 30 seat commuter bus by 2013.

More information about the development in detail on the following link

Minggu, 27 November 2011

How to Find a Good Tattoo Artist

If you're planning on getting a tattoo you should make sure the tattoo parlor you choose is reputable. There aren't many laws governing the tattoo industry so it's up to the consumer to make sure they are going to a business that abides by laws regarding sanitary measures.
The process to start a tattoo parlor isn't rigorous. Tattoo artists must complete a course on contagious disease transmission and then are awarded a license. Their businesses aren't subject to inspection afterwards.
Be careful. Don't just pick the first place you see. Take the time to learn about the tattoo artist before letting them permanently mark your body. Practically anyone can get a tattoo parlor license and set up shop.
Take a look around when you enter a tattoo parlor. Check out the spray bottles and brushes on the shelves. They should be in sealed packaging. The staff should be conscientious about hygiene and maintain a professional atmosphere.
Be sure to ask plenty of questions about the sterilization process they use. Don't be shy about it. The autoclave sterilization method is recommended. If they don't use it, walk away.

If you take the time to find out about their sterilization methods you can get a feel for how reputable the tattoo parlor is and how serious they are about preventing the spread of disease. Quality tattoo parlors use EPA approved disinfectants to wash their hands and clean the area to be tattooed.
If the parlor doesn't use safe practices or is hesitant to answer questions, then take your business elsewhere. A safe tattoo artist won't mind answering your questions and showing you around. They will have nothing to hide.
Definitely ask to see some previously drawn designs and a few customer references. This will give you some indication of their ability and whether past customers were satisfied with the services they received.

Mastering the Art of Tattooing

The art of tattooing is one of the earliest art forms known to mankind. Tattooing has been a form of personal expression and body ornamentation since prehistoric times. Both tribal cultures and highly developed civilizations like ancient Rome and Egypt used tattooing as an art form. In every century and in countries all over the world, people have felt a strong desire to adorn their bodies with meaningful symbols and beautiful designs.
Today's tattooists must learn how to use equipment, including tattoo machines, needles and ink. They also must become familiar with modern sanitary procedures for tattooing.
Mastering this knowledge will make someone a proficient tattooist, but becoming a tattoo artist requires another level of skill. A successful tattoo artist must have a good understanding of basic artistic concepts like proportion, perspective and the use of color. The ability to draw well is another important skill for a tattoo artist. Much of this comes naturally to people who are born with artistic talent, but that doesn't mean that a dedicated tattooist can't learn and develop artistic skills. With time and practice, you can master the art of tattooing

Color Theory for the Art of Tattooing
The color of a tattoo is one of the first things that gets noticed. The use of color can make all the difference in the success or failure of a tattoo design. Gaining an understanding of how colors work together is an important step in mastering the art of tattooing. If you've never been exposed to color theory, enrolling in an art class at a community college is a great way to get started. You'll learn how the primary colors (red, yellow and blue) can be mixed to form all other colors, and how a color wheel shows which colors work well together.
Use of Contrast in Tattoos
One of the most important aspects of color in the art of tattooing is the use of contrast. Color contrast is what gives a tattoo design depth. The contrast can be in the amount of lightness and darkness (such as the contrast between white and black) or it can be in the colors themselves (such as the contrast between warm colors like yellow and orange and cool colors like blue and green). Contrast in colors will make one shape stand out from another or make a shape stand out from its background.
Composition and the Art of Tattooing
Composition refers to the flow of the design elements in a tattoo and how well they fit on the body part where they're tattooed. A client may come to a tattoo artist with a fixed idea about the design and placement of a tattoo. A good tattoo artist will know if the proportion of the design will work in the desired location. If it won't work, the tattoo artist must be ready to offer some alternative ideas. This may mean changing the scale of a design with a photocopier machine or cutting and pasting elements of one or more designs to create something new. A talented tattoo artist understands that the most successful tattoo designs mimic the flow of the body part where they're applied.
Perspective and Depth in Tattoos
Applying the artistic theories of perspective and depth is what gives a tattoo a 3-dimensional quality. In tattooing, perspective and depth are achieved through the use of contrast, outline and shading. Being able to create the illusion of reality with depth and perspective is what sets a tattoo artist apart from a tattooist. These techniques can be learned in an art course or from an art book and practiced with pencil and paper. Unless you're a natural born artist, practice and experience are the only way to master these techniques.
Besides taking art courses and practicing, a beginner tattooist should spend time studying tattoo magazines and becoming familiar with the work of established tattoo artists. Tattoo magazines are an important resource for beginning tattooists. They showcase the finest designs that the world of tattooing has to offer. By reading tattoo magazines, aspiring tattoo artists can learn about the leading tattoo artists, become inspired, decide who they want to emulate and begin to create their own style.

How To Become a Tattoo Artist

The rising popularity of the tattooing all around the world as a way to decorate the body has opened up the way for many people to get a new and demanding career as a tattoo artist. In this article you can find information on how to become a tattoo artist.
The art of tattoo is not something that can be learned in a short time. It requires some drawing and painting skills, patience and a lot of practice which may take years to develop. Because as an artist, you draw and paint on the bodies of your clients permanently. During this process, in the case of a slightest mistake, there is no chance for return and deletion. This art requires the drawing and painting of the designs on the body without any mistakes with complete perfection.
In order to become a tattoo artist, exercising drawing and painting skills will be a good first step. You can get assistance from books, courses and other tattoo artists. The more you develop your drawing skills, the more successful you will be in your new career. Starting from easy designs to relatively difficult ones, practicing how to draw until you develop your own style will help you in your career in the future.
It is not something that can be learned through schools or courses. There are not institutions devoted for the educations of tattoo artists. From time to time some courses can be opened by some parlors but of course it is hard to become a tattoo artist in such a short time with just the basic tattooing information they provide.

Traditionally they got their skills through apprenticeship which is a great way to get intense training about how to do tattoos and valuable knowledge about the tattoo business. You can ask the tattoo artists in your neighborhood that you want to work with them for free. Once accepted to work with them, you can get your first step to the world of tattoo business and learn everything about tattooing in the stage.
There are some difficulties of the free intense training; you will not get paid and you can be asked to do things like cleaning and dusting rather than tattooing. Indeed the performance you show on these type of work will give clues about th dedication and motivation you carry. A test upon how eager and hard worker you are to do things necessary for success. This is how the mechanism of apprenticeship works for thousands of years!
As you continue to prove yourself, you will learn many skills from the master artist, such as how to safely clean your equipment, how to operate a tattoo machine, how to adjust your power supply, how to protect yourself and your clients from disease, and most importantly how to correctly apply a tattoo. You are not limited to only gaining knowledge from your teacher; you can also spend time learning from other artists as well.

Skewed skull

No reference. That was fun to do.

Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Time And Tattoo's

Throughout the course of time, tattoos have been used to personify and represent someone's affiliations, personal preferences, and their creative lifestyle. Tattoos are gaining in popularity lately as well with both men and women. Research has shown that nearly 1 in 4 people have at least one tattoo on their body.

By definition, a tattoo is a permanent marking on the skin. The ink is injected by needle in the skin, creating the image of the tattoo. The needle moves very fast, puncturing the skin together with depositing the ink in the epidermis. As the ink is depositing into the epidermis, the skin captures large of the ink. The artist will always clean the tattoo as he works on it, wiping it off using antiseptic and disinfecting that wound.

Over time tattoos will chance while using the skin on a constant basis due to the wind, sun, regeneration, water, and other things. The way a tattoo looks and the design must also chance with the skin as it shrinks, stretches, and ages. The pigment which up the tattoo must remain the way in which it is over time period, although tanning and wrinkles make a difference to the color and clarity with the tattoo.

The overall period of time that a tattoo designs healthy and vibrant in color all depends on how well it was taking care of after it was completed and that this skin is coping with. Even though infection is actually a concern with tattoos, you must also promote healing inside sense of retaining as much ink as possible. Most tattoos will heal completely just a few short weeks, although they must be kept moist to counteract scabbing. If allowed to help scab, the scab that forms will remove some of the color from the skin image.

The number one enemy of tattoos could be the sun. Just like other colors that are exposed to sunlight, the pigments obtained in tattoos will fade. Yellow and red are definitely the hardest colors to maintain after a while, blue and black are the easiest and most stable to maintain. Tattoos are considered to be part of the organism of living skin and ought to be maintained to keep the color alive and fresh. If you are going to be out in ultra violet rays, you should always cover your tattoos and wear good quality sunscreen as well, just to be on the protected side.

Tattoos that are generally properly applied, properly cured, and protected from the sun can remain their best for a long time. Although the colors will remain vibrant as well, time and also the sun are definite adversaries for tattoos. No matter how well you cover your tattoos and defend them, there really is virtually no escape from changes that come as a consequence of time itself.

Stupid Tattoos to Avoid

With more and more people getting inked, stupid tattoos are becoming more common. You should always give good, hard thought about the type of design you are going to get. It's actually easy to fall for stupid tattoos because of what seems trendy at the moment, and other factors as well. But here I will reveal 2 stupid tattoos to avoid so you will at least not fall victim to these horrendous tattoo traps.
1. The Chain Link Around The Bicep. If there was a "wall of shame" in tattooing history, it is quite possible that the chain link around the bicep tattoo could rank as number 1. Everyone and their brother seemed to jump on this trend bandwagon at one point. Suddenly it was ultra cool to get a chain inked around your arm. This is the one of the most popular tattoo designs which was completely void of any meaning at all. No one knew why they were getting this ink atrocity on their arms, they just knew it was supposed to be really, really cool. But what they didn't seem to know is that the 90's would eventually end and in the future people would heavily mock these tats.

2. The Drunken Cartoon Character Tattoo. If you've ever seen a crudely drawn cartoon character tattoo on someone, you probably suddenly wondered, "what in the world was this person thinking"? The problem was that they likely weren't thinking. They likely were three sheets to the wind. Drunk as a skunk. Inebriated beyond belief. This is how many of these cartoon creatures end up on human skin. These are highly regrettable ink choices, but even if you get a cartoon character out of free and sober will, everyone will still think you must have been toasted when you made that tattoo decision.

Cartoon Tattoos For You

Does the idea of aging and being "old" scare you? Or are you afraid of not being to show your funny and quirky side despite being still young? Or are you the type of person in search of something youthful to help portray your inner joy and exhilarating life? Well, the solution is finally here! The thing that you may well be looking for is what you call a tattoo! Hand in hand, let us unveil the hidden meaning about tattoos, what it is all about, and what are the most fitting designs suited for your fun-loving and youthful self.
In layman's term, a tattoo is a form of art that utilizes a bunch of colorful ink, but not just any ordinary ink, tattoo makes use of indelible ink. Indelible inks are permanent and once placed inside the body, will last even for a lifetime. It is important to keep in mind however that the permanence of a tattoo is determined by a whole lot of factors such as time, daily wear and tear, and of course the quality of the indelible inks used. Basically, the indelible ink is injected into the skin where that tattoo design is desired. The skin is repeatedly injected into the skin in order for the ink to seep in properly and reach the inner layer of the skin which is the dermis. And because the dermis is the target spot, the ink shall change the pigment of the skin creating a lasting effect. The finished procedure is what one may call a tattoo art.

More and more individual more specifically tattoo enthusiasts are going for one of the most popular tattoo designs in the market today - cartoon tattoos! People who are young both physically and mentally usually go for this type of tattoo image. It is also normal for people who are quite "mature-looking" to get these kinds of tattoo with cartoons because they say that it symbolized their "young at heart" attribute and personality. Basically, tattoos depicted with images of cartoons represented not just the fun loving quality of the person but also life's youthfulness and thrill.
There are a variety of possible cartoon tattoos that one can choose from. Popular characters include the ever-loved Mickey Mouse, Pokemon characters, and even Betty Boop! Basically, one can opt for serious looking cartoon images such as the anime-inspired one where they have serious and scarred faces while some more subtle individuals prefer a more "beautiful" cartoon such as girls with cute dresses or animals doing silly stuff.
People who are interested to get cartoon inspired tattoos may bring their own design or image for the tattoo artist to perform or they can just go free-hand. A free-hand is when a client just dictates the image they want and aspire to the tattoo artist and let the artist himself do the job according to his imagination, imagination, and creativity as an artist. This then gives your tattoo more uniqueness and specialty.

Kamis, 24 November 2011

A Complete Review of Tattoo Me Now

No other choice comes as personal as getting a tattoo. People give it a lot of thought before settling with a design. The good news is that Tattoo Me Now is designed to help your dream come true. This site is like an angel on your shoulder offering valuable advice and input for your decision. But what else is there?
The site helps solve two of the most important problems related with getting a tattoo. First off, the design to get on your tattoo can be difficult to find but the site does offer a solution. Its wide range of designs means you have virtually unlimited options. All this is online making it easily accessible right from the comfort of your own home.
Access to this site is for members only so you will need to sign up for an account. The good news is that the site lets you choose between two options according to your needs. A one-year membership should be enough for most casual users. If you are really into tattoos, then the lifetime membership should be your choice.

After entering the site, you will immediately pat yourself on the back. You will find close to 3500 tattoo designs arranged in at least 40 categories for easier browsing. From Gothic crosses to Hawaiian flower birds, you will find a wide range of designs here. All this is available right at your fingertips. You can even print one out and show it to your local tattoo artist.
Tattoo Me Now is also full of other features. The member's gallery allows members to share their own designs as well as review others. A directory of tattoo studios helps you find the nearest joint in your area once you decide to get inked. It contains listings from all over the world.
To answer any question you may have, a forum is provided in the site as well. This can also serve as an area for meeting other tattoo enthusiasts from around the world. A video section is also available that covers a wide range of topics related to tattoos. A list of events keeps you posted with the latest happening in the community.
A bunch of bonuses are thrown in with membership. This includes 15 eBooks covering a wide variety of topics and available for free. You will also get a full refund with no questions asked within 60 days. Some parts of the site are having a few technical issues which are still being resolved though.
When it comes to value, Tattoo Me Now does not fail to deliver. It offers a bunch of handy features while throwing in some interactive bonuses into the mix. It certainly is worth the its asking price.

Selasa, 22 November 2011

Application Techniques Of Tattoos

Tattoos are more common these days than they have ever been in the past.  As we all know, tattoos are decorative markings in the skin, such as symbols, signs, and letters that are applied by puncturing the outer layer of the skin and injecting color.  Tattoo guns are the best instrument to use, as they move extremely fast and are sharp enough to easily puncture the skin.

There are several types of tattoo guns available, many of which use a very sharp needle.  There are guns out there that use more than needle, although they aren’t ideal for tattoos that require strict lines or designing.  Single needle tattoo guns are the best for tattoo applications, although the needles need to be changed out after each tattoo.  Tattoo needles can be very dangerous if they aren’t disposed of - possibly leading to serious infection if they are used over and over again without being disinfected or disposed of.

There are also tattoos out there known as “jailhouse tattoos”.  These types of tattoos are normally found in jails and prisons, using homemade material for tattoo guns.  Normally, tattoo artists in jails and prisons will make their own guns, using batteries and needles for ordinary ink pens.  These tattoos aren’t very safe, and normally lead to infection.  The skin is punctured to inject the ink, although with jailhouse tattoo guns the needle will literally pull and jerk at the skin, ripping it and normally going very deep with the ink.

If the skin is jerked or ripped, it can result in the tattoo looking horrible.  In most cases, if the ink goes too deep into the skin, it can lead to an infection.  Deep ink also looks terrible as well, especially if it penetrates the third layer of skin.  For that very reason, jailhouse tattoo applications aren’t recommended and should be avoided at all costs.

With any tattoo, color is very important.  Black and white are the most commonly used colors, although there are other colors used as well.  Tattoos need to have an equal balance of color, along with the right shape.  If the shapes used in your design follow the contours of your body, the tattoo will look even more impressive.  Therefore, you should always have your tattoo applied by someone with a lot of experience.

From a technical standpoint, tattoos involve micro pigment implantation, as they are a form of body modification.  Tattoos are a design in ink, normally symbolic or decorative, permanently placed under your skin.  Tattoos have been around for hundreds of years, although tattoos in the past used everyday needles and ink - with a very high risk of infection. Although they are very common and very popular, tattoos always have risks.  No matter what type of application method is involved, there will always be a risk of infection.

Today, electronic tattoo machines are the most common methods of tattooing.  With electronic tattoo guns, the ink is injected into the skin by a group of needles that are attached to a bar.  The electronic gun moves very fast, going in and out of the skin hundreds of thousand of times per minute.  If an experienced tattoo artist uses the gun, the results can be amazing.  Experienced tattoo artists are always the way to go, as they have the experience to give you the results you want.  With the right tattoo artist and the right application technique - you should have a tattoo that you can be proud of.

Senin, 21 November 2011

The Mystery of Snake Tattoo

When out walking, you might see people with colorful designs, symbols, or even pictures of creatures and things on their skin and might wonder what that could be. Well, those friends are called tattoos. Tattoos are basically a design of any sort put on the human or animal skin. Endless designs and ideas are now possible for people who want to get tattoos. The sky is the limit. For as long as you have a good imagination and a very good tattoo artist then you will get that tattoo you have always wanted.
Let us first define what tattoos are. Well, tattoos are pictures, markings, or traces found on the skin. These are accomplished through the use of an indelible ink with different colors. They then use extremely sharp and pointed needles to pierce through the human skin until the needle reaches the dermis layer or the inner layer of the skin. And because the dermal layer is targeted in the procedure, the results would be permanent meaning the tattoo design would not come off the skin even if washed multiple times. And because of its permanence, it is best to ask yourself if you are really ready for this.
One of the most requested tattoo designs of all time according to a bunch of surveyed tattoo artists and tattoo enthusiasts are the so-called snake tattoo. These kinds of tattoos despite having a snake in it has become quite popular especially for the gentlemen and of course, girls too! The snake symbolizes strength, power, life, and elegance. And because of these reasons and a whole lot more, the snake inspired tattoos are slowly growing in popularity.

It has been said that the snake is one of the most mysterious and complicated tattoo designs to make. This is due to the fact that the snake's body is very slender and sly and depicting that would be quite tough even for the most skilled tattoo artist. One tattoo artist stated that doing a snake tattoo requires a lot of focus and inspiration as doing a very good work would be considered perfect. People have also been mesmerized by such elegance the snake gives that is why they constantly ask for this animal to be imprinted on their skin to help show the world that like the snake, they can be sly, mysterious, and powerful as well if they wanted too.
Snake tattoo are usually portrayed as circling a particular object such as a person or a thing. Some snake inspired tattoos suggest that the snake showing its fangs symbolizes authority and power. But whatever the perspective of the tattoo is, one thing is for sure, the tattoo goers love it! The mystery of tattoos with the image of a snake still continues to bedazzle everyone maybe because the snake can be interpreted into a whole bunch of ways, ideas, and thoughts. Nonetheless, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the snake certainly is a beauty to behold and see.

Snake Tattoo Designs

It was over 50 years ago when I saw my first snake tattoo. My father proudly showed off his snake and dagger tattoo design he just had inked on his upper arm. I liked it too as he had incorporated my name in the design. He told me then he chose this design to represent strength and protection. If he were alive today, maybe he say something different, but I'm sure, in that tangled web of tattoos he eventually ended up with, this was still one of his favourites.
What is it that still draws people to this design? There are many answers to this and I will name just a couple. For example, the snake's popularity may have something to do with the rich history of myths and legends. One such myth is that of the ancient Greek myth of Medusa, the beautiful snake haired woman, who had the power to turn men into stone with a single glance, and I'm sure we know of a few women who still have that power today.
Snakes and serpents have a long mythological history associated with good and evil, life and death, beginnings and endings. When a snake sheds its skin it is seen as a symbol of rebirth, change, and healing.
Another tale of re-birth is that of the Ancient Greeks who had Ouroboros, a snake curled into a circle biting its own tail. The idea being that the continuing eating and re-growing of the tail is a symbol of the eternal cycle of ruin and re-birth.

The shedding of skin by the snake has also been associated with re-birth or new beginnings. The ancient Greeks believed snakes were sacred to the god of medicine Asclepius who had a staff with serpents wrapped around it, which you can still see today as a symbol in modern medicine.
What about the story of Hydra, a 9 headed serpent defeated by Hercules. The story goes Hercules had a difficult time killing the Hydra because when he cut one head off two heads would grow back. He eventually solved the problem by burning the stumps to stop another head growing, and the Hydra lived no more.
In some mythologies snakes are seen as the keepers of wisdom and sacred secrets. But the snake has also been show as a symbol of evil, death, or deceit. In Christianity, the serpent tricks Adam and Eve into disobeying God. Perhaps due to the deadly venom many snakes possess, myths involving snakes have often portrayed them as evil.
In Australia, India, and Africa, where snake myths are related to rainbows, and rainbows are often associated with rain and fertility. I like the story of Da, a mythological African serpent who kept the oceans and sky in place and we could catch a quick look at Da when a rainbow appeared.
Another reason for the snake's popularity as a tattoo design is that you can be incorporated with any other design, such as, hearts and daggers, or skulls and dragons. The beauty of the snake tattoo design is it doesn't look out-of-place with any other tattoo design.

Animal Fox Tattoo

One of the remarkable phenomenons observed during recent years involves use of a tattoo for various purposes. For instance, if you are interested in a tattoo because of religious symbolism, you can opt for tattoo crosses. Also, you will find bible tattoo designs that will have strong religious theme. Similarly, use of animal fox tattoo is considered to be age-old. There was a reason why more and more people resorted to having this particular tattoo. It is widely said, by etching an image of a particular animal on your skin, you can increase chances of getting those characteristics imbibed into your personality. Therefore, you can witness other animal tattoo such as serpents, eagles, lions, tigers, falcons and foxes, etc. are in great demand.
Worldwide research scientists believe, though a fox isn't considered to be overtly physically powerful animal, yet this was one of the most sought-after symbols that were in rampant use. Actually, a fox is known to be a cunning and clever animal. History has it, ancient men and tribal men always regarded a fox endowed with higher quality of intelligence.

Among popular animal tattoos fox, it would include, Bat tattoos, Bear tattoos, Buffalo Tattoos/Bison tattoos, Elephant tattoos, Horse tattoos, Lion tattoos (includes Puma, Cougar, Mountain Lion), Cat tattoos (domestic), Deer tattoos, Dog tattoos, (domestic), Leopard tattoos (includes Panther, Cheetah, Jaguar,) Monkey tattoos, Tiger tattoos, Wolf tattoos (includes Coyote, Fox), etc.
Have you ever given it a close thought why marketing experts take help of images of animal to promote their products like perfumes, cologne, clothing, etc? The logic behind this practice is very simple to understand. Use of these images will mean, it can bring out the animal in you! If you delve deeper into history records, you will come to know, use of animal images, designs, stories, etc. were in great use. For instance, there is reference of Egyptian gods making use of head of a jackal or body of a lion. Again, you can find some European stories that talk about werewolves and vampires.
It is popularly believed, having animal tattoo designs helps in demonstrating our connections to various forms of spirits of the fine beasts that literally defines our personalities. This actually helps in symbolizing our instincts and innate nature.
If you are looking for fox animal tattoos, you must know one interesting fact surrounding it. In the medieval period, it was believed that these foxes were a true accomplice of the witches. That was a reason why people would often get busy with fox hunting expeditions with an intention to kill them. This was exclusively done to protect men from evil. In a sense, the objective wasn't to derive thrill from this hunting experience but to make sure surrounding environment was free from evil spirits. This protective stance in early ancient people became the genesis of modern men preferring this tattoo.

Tribal Elephant Tattoo

A tattoo is permanent, so you need to make certain that you choose a design that you really want. You need to choose a design that you won't want to change 5 months down the road. Therefore, you need to research several different tribal ankle tattoo designs. Do not settle for the very first one that you come across, keep on looking. Once you've found the right one, you'll know! If you find one that you like and decide to keep looking, but just don't find any that settle in your heart the way the first one did - then that's the one!
Now, on the other hand, a unique design is important. If you want something that is different and not on everyone else, then research is very necessary.
There are several different types of websites on the internet that will allow you to pay a small fee and have access to their database of tattoo images. Normally, these images are pretty unique and are not found elsewhere, or at least not in many places. In addition, you may be able to get tattoo tips and tattoo parlor reviews for the small fee that you pay. With the magnitude of information that you receive, the small fee that you pay is well worth it.

Elephant Tattoo

a tattoo enthusiast may also choose an elephant tattoo in reference to the animal's characteristics. For example, when an elephant dies, other elephants will remain beside the body for a few days as though in mourning. For some, this could be a representation of loyalty. Longevity and fidelity are also other characteristics associated with the elephant that may be used by tattoo enthusiasts when looking for the next best ink.
With elephant tattoos not as popular as other animal designs, women can be less inclined to use this particular pattern. After all, there are very few signs that suggest a feminine side to the strong and powerful beast. Males are more welcoming with this pattern because of the masculine connotation to the symbol. Since elephants are normally large in size, you will often find these tattoo designs encompassing a wide expanse of skin. Two of the most common locations for elephant tattoo include the arms and the back. However, if a good tattoo artist is capable of downsizing the symbol without lessening its quality, then you may have it inked on your wrist or ankle.

Unusual choices for a tattoo, those who choose to brandish an elephant design usually do so because of their attachment to the interpretations of the animal. Mostly, decisions leading to an elephant tattoo are based on logical, spiritual and personal reasons that go beyond its aesthetic value. For those who are contemplating using this design, then it might be best to research all the meanings that attach themselves to the elephant. Try to remember that tattoos last a long time and you must be entirely sure of your choice before proceeding.

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Caring For A New Tattoo

When you finally decide to get a tattoo, the first thing you’ll need to do is find a reputable tattoo artist.  Most tattoo artists have several designs that you can pick from.  If you don’t find anything you like, you can always ask him to make a custom tattoo.  You should always be careful in what you choose, as you’ll have the tattoo for the rest of your life.  The design is very important, although not nearly as important as taking care of it.

Good tattoo artists will also clean and apply antiseptic ointment to your tattoo as they create it.  Expert artists know that this helps keep the tattoo healthy.  Once the tattoo is finished, the artists will wipe it down, clean it off good, and apply another coat of antiseptic ointment.  Once the ointment has been applied, he will put a piece of soft tissue or cellophane over the tattoo.

Once the tattoo is finished, the artists should tell you how to take care of your new tattoo.  Some of the better artists will talk to you and give you a detailed sheet with all of the information you need.  If you went to a tattoo artist who didn’t explain this to you, you may be wondering just what you should do.  Taking care of a tattoo isn’t hard – as long as you know what you can and can’t do.

When you first get home with your new tattoo, you should never hop right in the shower.  You should keep it dry for the first few days, but also clean it every few hours.  Before you touch the tattoo or clean it, you should always make sure that your hands are clean.  If you keep your hands clean, you won’t have to worry about an infection. 

You’ll also want to visit your local drugstore and purchase a tube of A&D ointment.  A&D ointment is the best to use.  A&D will keep your tattoo clean and shiny and should be used for the first few days. Once the ointment starts to dry on the tattoo, you should wipe the old application off and apply some more.  Don’t rub it too hard, or you could damage the healing process.  For the first few days, you should avoid using soap as well.

After 5 – 6 days, you can quit using the ointment.  A&D ointment will keep your tattoo healthy, which you’ll notice the first time you apply it.  After you stop using it, you should use an unscented body lotion.  You want to avoid body lotions that have scents, as they can easily irritate the tender skin that resides under your tattoo.

After you have used the lotion for a few days, you can stop using it.  Most tattoos, after they have healed, tend to leave a scab in some areas.  If your tattoo has a scab, you should be careful when you try to pick it.  If you aren’t careful, you could end up damaging your design.  The best thing to do is you have a scab is to leave it alone.  You can put A&D ointment on it if you want, as most of the time a scab will itch.

A tattoo can be a great thing to have providing you take care of it. Tattoos will stay with your for the rest of your life, unless you choose to get them surgically removed.  Taking care of your tattoo now will keep it healthy and infection free in the long run.  If you follow the above advice on how to take care of your tattoo – you won’t have anything to worry about.

The Costs Of Tattoos

Once you have made the decision to get a tattoo, you’ll find yourself facing a very important task – the budget.  Tattoos have long been known to be very expensive, with the bigger ones costing up in the thousands.  Although you may be able to find some designs and studios that are within your budget, you’ll still face some very important decisions.

The cost of a tattoo is the most common question people ponder before they get a tattoo. Although they can be very expensive, they are still within your reach.  Most people who know they are getting a tattoo will save their money up.  Even though you may have an average job and don’t make a lot of money, a tattoo can still be well within your reach if you save your money up for a few months.  This way, you’ll have more than enough to spare when you finally get the tattoo you have been saving up for.

In the world of tattoos, you get what you pay for.  If you’ve got your own design that you want tattooed, tattoo artists will normally charge you anywhere from 30 – 250 dollars an hour.  If you want the tattoo artist to design a tattoo for you, you’ll probably end up paying more.  Depending on the size and location of the tattoo, you can easily spend thousands.  Tattoos that cover the entire back for example, can cost you as much as fifteen thousand dollars!

The best thing to do is to find a studio and design that you like, and then look into how much it will cost you.  You should always look for the cleanest and most sanitary studio first.  Once you have found a sanitary tattoo studio, you should meet the tattoo artists and talk to them a bit to see how friendly they are.  When you look at the prices of the tattoos, you should never sacrifice quality for price.  Even though a studio may cost you more, the quality will normally be better than other tattoo studios in the area.

Although you may be able to find a tattoo studio that will do their work for a cheap price, you should never rush into getting a tattoo strictly for the price. Even though a cheap price may sound good, the quality of the work could be lacking.  Tattoo studios that charge expensive prices normally do so because they have the best artists and the best quality work.

Once you have chosen a studio and had your tattoo done, you should always make sure to tip your artist.  If he does exceptional work, you should make it well worth his time and give him a nice tip.  Tattoo artists who do high quality work love to get tips – and they will always appreciate your business if you treat them as good as they treat you.

Tattoo Safety

The process of tattooing involves needles that move at very fast speeds to penetrate the outer layers of the skin.  The needles break the skin, and inject dots of ink into the third layer, creating the image of the tattoo design in the skin.  Whenever you are getting a tattoo, common sense and a bit of safety are always the most important considerations.

When getting a tattoo, most people fear getting the virus known as HIV, which can lead to the dreaded AIDS virus.  Although many fear HIV, it is just one of the many viruses that can result from tattoos.  Staph, syphilis, tuberculosis, and hepatitis are all but a few of the other diseases that can result from tattoos.  All it takes is a dirty or unsanitary needle and you could wind up contracting one of the deadly viruses listed above.

Just like other activities, tattooing can be very dangerous.  Although tattooing is indeed dangerous, there are ways that you can minimize or eliminate the potential dangers.  Each and everyday, tattoo artists have to adhere to a strict code of safety to ensure that the risk of contracting HIV or any other diseases is little to none.

Professional tattoo artists will sterilize their equipment after each use.  They use steam pressure autoclave when disinfecting their tattoo guns and needles.  Bleach and alcohol don’t sterilize the equipment; they are instead used to prep the equipment.   Once the bleach and alcohol have been used on the instruments, they will then be autoclaved, which will sterilize them.

When the tattoo artist does the tattoo, he should always wear rubber gloves that can easily be disposed of.  The ointment spreaders and any type of rags that are used should also be disposable.  When you walk into the tattoo studio, the floors should be spotless.  In the rooms where the tattoos are done, the working area should always be clean and sanitary.

Before the tattooist starts the tattoo, he should always give each customer a brand new set of fresh needles.  Then, he should always dip the needle in a small cap of pigment that he just took out of a large squeezable bottle.  If the artist dips the needle into the big bottle, you may very well be sharing fluids with those who have had tattoos from that same big bottle.

Whenever you decide to get a tattoo you should always put safety first.  Safety is very important with tattoos, as you could otherwise get a disease or a serious infection.  Before you decide on a tattoo studio, you should always make sure that they are clean and sanitary.  If you get a tattoo from a studio that is dirty or unsanitary, you could wind up on a never ending spiral of infections and viruses.

Minimizing The Pain Of Tattoos

No matter what you may hear, there really is no way to predict the amount of pain that you’ll experience when getting a tattoo.  If you arrive with determination and the right frame of mind, it may not hurt you as much as you thought.  On the other hand, if you arrive at the studio scared half to death – it will more than likely hurt you more than you thought possible.

Tattoos involve piercing into skin, which almost always involves pain.  No matter how big or how small the tattoo may be or where it is located, you can expect to feel some pain.  The overall amount of pain you experience though, all depends on your tolerance.  If you have a high pain tolerance, you may feel next to nothing during the entire process.

When you get a tattoo, the needles will puncture your skin at very fast rates and variable depths.  The outline of the tattoo is easily the most painful, as the needles will be used to create a black line that will stand out on the tattoo.  This part need to be inserted fairly deeply and carefully to ensure that it’s done correctly.  The shading of the tattoo normally isn’t painful, although it depends on the penetration depth and effect that you desire.

Normally, the pain you feel is a slight burn or scratching feeling.  If the tattoo is going to be on an area where there is less bone and tissue such as the wrist or chest, the pain will be a bit more intense.  Areas like the arms and legs however, normally aren’t that painful.  Areas such as these have more tissue and muscle, which will lessen the amount of pain you feel.

Even though some pain is to be expected, there are ways that you can minimize the pain.  Below are some tips that will help you deal with the pain.
1.    Never show up to a get a tattoo on drugs or drunk.  This will thin out your blood, causing you to bleed more.
2.    Always choose a tattoo artist that you are comfortable around.  If you have confidence in your artist you can minimize the pain a great deal.
3.    Show up at the studio with sheer determination.  You should accept the fact that the tattoo will take time.  Quality work is an art – and should never be rushed.
4.    If the pain becomes too much to bear, you should let your tattoo artist know immediately.  He will allow you to take a break, or stop and come back later.  You can always break up your sessions, as tattoos don’t need to be finished immediately.
5.    To ease your mind, listen to music.  This way, you can take your mind to a different place and focus on something other than the tattoo.

Choosing Your Tattoo Parlor

Once you have made the decision to get a tattoo you’ll need to find a qualified tattoo parlor.  This is a very important decision, as it can easily make or break your tattoo.  Before you decide on a tattoo artist or tattoo parlor, you must first see if they are qualified.  There are hundreds of thousands of tattoo parlors out there, some better than others.  If you go to a less than perfect tattoo parlor, you could very well end up with an infection that can cause you more trouble than you ever thought possible.  Finding out how long a parlor has been in business is very important – as this will tell you how much business the parlor receives.

When you look for the best parlor you should always watch for those who have the best history with keeping their equipment clean.  Clean equipment and a clean studio is without a doubt the most important consideration when dealing with tattoos.  If the artist isn’t licensed or not a professional there will be little to no guarantee that the equipment is clean.  Health is a big concern with tattoos for most people, and for good reason.  If you are looking to get a tattoo you should always make sure that the artists are licensed, the parlor is clean – and the equipment is sanitized and cleaned after each and every tattoo.

The best tattoo parlors will welcome you in with open arms, anticipating your business.  When you meet the tattoo artist, he should be friendly and not intimidate you at all, nor should he at any time attempt to push a design on you.  Under no circumstances should the artist try and talk you into getting a more expensive tattoo design if all you want is something small and simple.

Pushy sales and unfriendly salesmen are common pitfalls with most businesses.  Tattoo parlors should always be friendly and open to what you want.  Although the more experienced tattoo artists will offer their opinions, they shouldn’t try to push you around.  If a tattoo artists thinks there will be a problem with your design or if he thinks he can do anything to improve it, he will more than likely let you know.   If he is able to save you some money, the higher quality tattoo artists won’t think twice about doing so.

Before you decide on a tattoo parlor to do your tattoo, you should always compare what’s available to you and weigh out your options.  The higher quality tattoo parlors will cost quite a bit of money, more than the other parlors.  This is to be expected, as the higher quality studios cost more to pay their artists and keep their parlor nice and clean.  These parlors are among the best in the world, with sparkling floors and a clean interior.  The tattoo artists here ensure that their rooms are clean, with most wiping down their equipment and materials every chance they get. 

The ideal way to find tattoo parlors in your area or close by is to use the Internet and search or just open a local phone book.  If you look for the keyword tattoos, you’ll find several that are relatively close to you.  Once you have found some addresses, simply drive out there and take a look around.  If you like what you see, you can always come back.  You shouldn’t rush your decision – but instead look at what each tattoo parlor has to offer you.

Free Tattoo Designs

Each and every one of us is always on the lookout for great deals and any way to save money that we can find.  With the Internet being so popular these days, many people often turn to the Internet for free tattoo designs. For most of us, free is always the way to go.  When you stop and think about it, a free tattoo design sounds a lot better than paying as much as $150.00 for one at a tattoo studio.  The fact about it is simple - someone could just as easily draw their tattoo design themselves and then pay the tattoo artist to put the tattoo on them.

If you give it some thought, you may begin to wonder if free tattoo designs are actually worth it in the end.  The fact of them being free is always great, although you may wonder if the design is something you would like to display permanently on your body.  When you show your new tattoo to friends, they may think negative thoughts when you tell them that you got the design free off the Internet.  Each and every time you show your tattoo people will want to know about the message and the design, which you’ll probably need to think about.

All of us are familiar with the old saying “you get what you pay for”, and it’s truly no different in this scenario.  Although there are hundreds and hundreds of websites on the Internet that provide free tattoo designs, few of them are really worth the interest.  Most of the free designs out there on the Internet are very poor quality.  Therefore, it would be in your best interest to wait and have a professional tattoo artist make the design for you.

Those who choose to go with free tattoo designs will tell you that tattoos are very expensive and they can’t afford to have a professional tattoo artists draw up the design.  Some people, when dealing with custom tattoo designs, will say that their tattoo artist doesn’t do custom designs or that he just don’t want to do theirs.  Although most of this may be true to an extent, there truly is no better way to get a tattoo than using a design made by a professional tattoo artist.

As most already know, free tattoo designs are normally made by those who know next to nothing about tattoo designing.  In most cases, these designs are made by someone who is looking to make a quick profit instead of a true professional tattoo artist.  You can easily tell that they aren’t professional quality simply by looking at them.  Most free designs have poor quality, poor lines, and often times the work appears to be made on a personal computer.  You certainly wouldn’t want to use something like this with your tattoo – simply because you will be showing it the rest of your life.

If you spend a lot of time searching on the Internet for free tattoo designs, you may be able to find a few with good quality.  There are some good quality designs out there, although you’ll probably have to search quite a bit to find them.  It’s best to have an idea in mind about the tattoo you want then look for it that way.  Although it may take you some time, you could very well find it.  If you do come across it as a free tattoo design – you should always triple check the quality before you decide to have it done.

Pros And Cons Of Tattoos

These days’ tattoos are more common than ever.  Tattoos have gained quite a bit in popularity over the years, giving people a chance to stand out and broadcast who they really are.  Men and women alike have tattoos, some covering their entire body.  The choice is entirely up to you though, as you can get a tattoo in virtually any size you want.

Even though there are many good things about tattoos, there are bad things as well.  Among the good things about tattoos include the chance to broadcast who you are, the chance to be you, and the chance to stand out.  Most people who get tattoos get them for the symbolic meaning.  Although there are some who get tattoos strictly for the look, many end up regretting getting the tattoo later on in life.

Tattoos are great for show, although the design itself should hold some meaning.  There are a variety of designs and colors to choose from, which helps to add to the positive benefits of tattoos.  You can check out many designs at your local tattoo studio, in books and magazines, and on the Internet.  The Internet is a great resource for tattoo designs, as there are literally thousands to look at.  You can also look at pictures of those who have tattoos so you can get an idea as to what a certain style will look like once it has been finished.

The cons of tattoos are pretty straight forward.  Tattoos work by piercing the skin with a needle and injecting little gobs of ink.  With that being said the risk of infection when getting a tattoo is always there.  If the tattoo artist isn’t sanitary and doesn’t clean his equipment after every use, the risk of infection will be much higher.

Another thing to worry about with tattoos is removal.  If you later decide that you don’t want the tattoo, you’ll have to pay an expensive price to have it surgically removed.  Surgery carries risks and complications as well.  In some cases, those who have got tattoos have had to have the tattoo removed due to infection.  In these cases the infection has gotten so bad that there really is no other choice than to get the tattoo removed.

No matter how you look at it, there will always be both pros and cons with tattoos.  Before you decide to get a tattoo, you should make sure that the design you have picked out is something that you can see yourself with for years to come.  If there is any doubt in your mind about the tattoo, you shouldn’t get it.  Even though it may seem cool at the time – the price for removal and the complications with surgery may not be worth it in the long run.

The Risks Of Getting Tattoos

Although most tattoos are applied with no problems at all, there are some tattoos that result in a not so good outcome.  No matter how safe you may think they are, you simply can’t overlook the risks involved with getting a tattoo.  Tattoo artists may tell you that there are no risks involved - although this isn’t the case.

The biggest concern you have when getting a tattoo is unsanitary equipment.  If the equipment isn’t cleaned and disinfected after each use, the risk for getting a disease is very high.  You can also end up with a serious skin disease as well, if the tattoo gun is dirty or if the tattoo artist doesn’t clean his equipment.  The tattoo studio should be clean as well.  With a lot of visitors, a studio can get dirty quickly - which is why it should be cleaned on a daily basis.

After getting your tattoo, if you notice any swelling or excessive redness around the tattoo, you should visit a doctor immediately, to find out if the tattoo is infected.  In most cases, tattoo infections can be treated with medicine.  If the infection is severe, you may be admitted to the hospital so they can further treat you.  In the more severe cases, you may end up having to get the tattoo removed to prevent further infection.  Removing a tattoo requires surgery, which also involves risks as well.

If removal of the tattoo is recommended or requested, the procedure can either be performed as an out patient surgery or one that requires a minimal stay in the hospital.  The surgeon or physician will determine the removal, based on your health and overall chances of developing an infection.  In most cases, tattoo removal is safe, with most patients given medicine that will treat infections and prevent any type of pain.

Although health risks are a concern, one of the biggest concern for may is the overall appearance of the tattoo.  Tattoos that are done by amateurs or not applied well, normally result in the appearance being ruined.  Tattoos are something that will stick with you for the rest of your life, which is why the appearance is so important.  If you get a tattoo removed, chances are that a scar will always remain.  Even though most scars will become less noticeable as years go by, they will never completely go away - and always provide a reminder that a tattoo was once there.

Before you get a tattoo, you should always make it a point to examine the studio and ensure that it’s clean.  You should also ask questions, and make sure that the tattoo artists clean the equipment they use.  If you stick around for a bit at the studio, you can normally find out a lot about the way they do business and how clean they are.  If the studio appears to be clean and tidy, chances are you won’t have to worry about dirty equipment or infections.

As with everything else in life, there are always decision to make.  If you are thinking about getting a tattoo, you should first decide your reason for getting it, how you will feel about having it later on in life, and if the tattoo is something you can see yourself with.  Before you put a permanent tattoo on your body, you should make sure that you are getting the tattoo for you because you want it.  Whatever you do, you should always avoid getting a tattoo simply because someone else suggested it.

Information To Know Before Getting A Tattoo

Before you decide to get a tattoo, you should always take a little bit of time to talk to your tattoo artist. 
When you speak to him, you should be sure to ask questions and find out anything you can about your new tattoo. 
You should also find out information about his background, and other important bits of information that will assist you in
moving forward with your decision.

The first thing you should find out is how long the parlor has been in business. 
This will let you know just how professional the quality of tattoo work is and the overall reputation for the business. 
If the tattoo parlor belongs to the Better Business Bureau you can always check their record and see if any complaints
have been files about the business in the last few years.

You should also find out about his qualifications as well. 
Experience is a must here, as infections and other diseases can easily be contracted if the equipment isn’t clean. 
Tattoo artists deal with needles on a daily basis, making experience very important. 
Finding out how much experience and qualifications a tattoo artists has will tell you quite a bit about what you can
expect from them.

You’ll also want to find out if the tattoo studio guarantees their work. 
In the unlikely event that you don’t like the outcome of the tattoo, you’ll obviously want it to be fixed. 
The better studios will fix it without requiring any money. 
Refund policies are also important, especially if you don’t like the quality or the workmanship of the tattoo.

The cost is also very important. 
Before you decide to get a tattoo or agree to anything, you’ll obviously want to know the full cost. 
The bigger tattoos can be quite expensive, although even the smallest of tattoos can be expensive as well, especially
if you’re on a budget.  You can save yourself a lot of time and prevent any type of surprises by knowing the costs upfront.

Infection is also something you’ll want to find out about. 
The better tattoo artists can provide information about infections, and tell you how to prevent them. 
They will also tell you about their services, and how they can prevent you from getting an infection.
When you ask infections, he should also be able to tell you exactly what to do if you think you are developing an
infection as well.

If you suffer from a fear of needles, you should always ask if there is a way to help you. 
You should never feel bad about asking, as many people are deathly afraid of needles. 
Needles are used with tattoos, as there is no other way to put the ink in the skin. 
If you are afraid of getting a tattoo due to the needles, you should make sure that you let your tattoo artist know. 
Chances are, he may be able to take extra steps to make the process go as smoothly as possible.

Asking questions is never a bad thing when it comes to getting a tattoo. 
If a tattoo artist hesitates to answer any question you ask or acts hasty towards you, you should always leave and find
another tattoo artist.  Tattoos always have risks and concern, which is why tattoo artists should be more than willing to
answer any questions that you may have.  Asking questions can help to ease your concern and make you feel better about
the artist – which is why you should always make sure you write a list of questions before you visit the tattoo parlor.

Jumat, 18 November 2011

Love Tattoo Ideas

Love Tattoo can be represented in a multitude of ways and when it's meant to represent more than two people a difficult balancing act has to be struck. There's three main types of love tattoo ideas you could opt for.
An obvious choice of symbol is the heart but you can choose to decorate it with names, flowers, flourishes of color or even birds and bees. A good variation the heart theme is a broken heart coming together into one to show the healing of a rift with love. Other symbols representing love could be crossed wedding rings.
Having the name of your significant other regardless of how much you love them could be risky. Too many people have been completely and truly in love only to separate later down the line and have to deal with a painful reminder of the past. The risks are just not worth the reward but that doesn't mean you can't represent in some fashion your significant other. A tattoo of their birth sign, crystal, favorite color or something similar can represent them. Yet if you were to ever split up it can come to mean something else.

Cupid the Roman God of erotic love and beauty is a popular design when firing an arrow through a persons name or even a heart. These are often depicted in the form of a child but there's nothing that specifically states Cupid was a child so you can opt to have an adult cupid. Although human forms are rarely popular. Another great tattoo is the goddess of love itself -Venus. Venus could be represented as a human form such as the classic "Birth of Venus" by Botticelli or even the Zodiac symbol for Venus.

Baby Angel Tattoo

A baby angel tattoo is another name for a cherub tattoo. Angel tattoos are very popular with both men and women. Angels are considered messengers from God and they are our link between heaven and earth. Having a baby angel or cherub tattoo expresses your spirituality.
There are many different angel designs that you can get but cherubs are the most popular. Unlike many people think, cherubs are not really baby angels - they are just small angels. The most popular cherub angel is Cupid. Cupid represents love. Many times you see Cupid depicted with a arrow which he shoots into your heart to make you fall in love.
What makes cherub designs popular is that they can be placed on many different parts of the body. You can have a cherub over your chest or on your shoulder. They can even make great wrist or ankle tattoos because they are small. If you combine a cherub with clouds, hearts or other symbols, you can create a very unique design that is special to you.
Make sure that your design expresses your feelings. Don't just pick a design because someone else has it or it looks good. Pick a design that tells your story. When someone asks you why you have a baby angel tattoo, you want to describe what it means to you. When you have a unique design, your tattoo becomes more personal.

Shoulder Tattoo

If one is confused about the place for a suitable tattoo then it is advisable to start with the shoulder. It becomes the area of emphasis and also provides a wide area to be covered which provides some scope for innovation with the designs that are being used. Flexibility factor can also be maintained with the shoulder and later on designs can be extended.
The location of a tattoo can be compared with a real estate agency. One may for a moment may not think and invest in an agency but for a tattoo it is imperative to understand the location and along with it the design or theme for a better investment because tattoos are a permanent change. The ball and socket joint area provides a curve that can be used to depict a floral design very aptly and the design in this area is also called the upper arm tattoo. The flowers can be used as falling from the top, a cupid at the top back etc are designs that can be incorporated for the area.
The use of a design on the shoulder is not gender specific. It can be used freely and aptly by both men and women. Rather for them it's the most appropriate place for a tattoo. The women can reveal the back when wearing a dress, halter necks etc. while the men can reveal the design when on the beach with a bare chest or at the gym while exercising. The common design patterns for both the sexes vary drastically, particularly for this area. The women prefers to use designs like flowers, angels etc. For men the design varies from a group of small intricate designs, Japanese tattoos, Celtics etc.

When you have just got your new tattoo done it should not be exposed to direct sun rays and friction with clothes must be avoided. Extra care is necessary because the shoulder is a sensitive area. Tattooing in this area can be very painful as there is limited muscle, tattooing on bone hurts a little more than on muscle or fat.

Kamis, 17 November 2011

The Purity Of An Angel Tattoo

As tattoos continue to gain popularity among women today, the variety of styles and designs continues to grow, with the angel tattoo becoming one of the most popular choices. Deep rooted in personal meaning, and plenty of room for colorful artistic interpretation, the attractive design is here to stay.
Rooted in the Greek word "Angelos," meaning messenger, the word angel dates back to early biblical times thousands of years ago. The bible states that angels were created by God to protect us in all ways and also says and that there are three different types of angels; guides, messengers, and protectors.
Although the purpose and appearance of angels have varied over the years, artists have consistently portrayed them as beautiful winged creatures, sometimes glowing or shining, and usually in human form, and that theme lives on today.
Throughout history angels have been featured in various situations, typically in the form of care givers in times of grief, or as the angel of death, appearing and guiding the newly through the gates of heaven. They have also been featured in great battle scenes, leading the mighty warriors into battle.
Today the angel tattoo design is typically of a guardian angel, sent to watch over us from birth to death. These angels are thought to guide and protect us, and are usually given a familiar name. They often appear out of thin air, inspiring hope in times of need to offer a sense of security, to only vanish without a trace.

Angel tattoos continue to gain popularity today and with that comes a variety new and innovative of angel tattoo designs, many of the different interpretations credited to the way we view religion overall. Satisfying our need to believe in angels is a message of peace and hope, a desire to coexist in a more spiritual world, with a commitment to serving each other.
The choice of an angel tattoo design could be a statement as to your personal beliefs, or more simply, a comforting friend, offering guidance and protection throughout the days. Angel tattoos are communally placed on the back of the shoulder, abdomen, the foot, or even the wrist, the choices are many limited only by your imagination.
Another rare, but popular design is the full set of wings, more communally called angel wing back pieces. Not for the quiet and unassuming, this large tattoo is not recommended as a first tattoo because of the difficulty of its large size, expense, complexity of the design, as well as the time and commitment involved.
But, if you're still interested in a design features that features angel wings, a smaller version of the angels wings is easy to design, and can even incorporate the name of a loved one as a tribute to someone who has passed safe in the arms, or a symbol of an angel guarding over you.